Alja-Safe Breeze

Crystalline Silica-Free Liquid Alginate

No powder – no dust! Alja-Safe® Breeze (Patent Pending) is a new liquid alginate which blends easily with water, creating a unique, skin safe moldmaking material. Alja-Safe® Breeze is perfect for making single-use pourable molds of hands, feet and other body parts. It captures excellent detail, giving you an accurate reproduction of your original model. If you want to make a mold of vertical body surfaces, you can use original Alja-Safe® or Alja-Safe® Acrobat®. For making re-usable molds of any body part, use Body Double® silicone rubber.

Alja-Safe™ Breeze is skin safe and certified by an independent laboratory.

Price and Purchasing

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ProductSizeNet WeightPrice

Alja-Safe Liquid Breeze

MIX RATIO: 5 parts Warm Water: 1 part Liquid Breeze by volume; POT LIFE: 5 mins; CURE TIME: 10 mins; COLOR: Blue
Pint Unit 1.1 lbs. 20942705
Gallon Unit 9 lbs. 1302116823

Document Downloads

Technical Bulletin

Safety Data Sheet
