Home » Products » Silicone Rubbers – Platinum Cure » Dragon Skin NV Series
Dragon Skin NV Series
Low Viscosity Platinum Silicone
Dragon Skin™ NV Series silicones are high performance platinum cure silicone rubbers that can be mixed 1A:1B by weight or volume and cure at room temperature with negligible shrinkage. They feature a very low viscosity and vacuum degassing is not required for most applications. Dragon Skin™ silicones are used around the world to make spectacular skin and creature effects. They are also ideal for making fast set, strong molds suitable for casting wax, gypsum, resins and more.
Cured Dragon Skin™ Series silicone is skin safe and certified by an independent laboratory.

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Safety Data Sheets
Frequently Asked Questions

Molding and Casting a Cosplay Cloak Brooch

Complicated Mold Process Made Easy Using Dragon Skin™ and Mold Star™ Silicone

How To Make A Fake Bloody Hand Prop Using Alja-Safe and Dragon Skin 10NV

Mold Making Challenge: Bear Skull and Jawbone (Making Things with Milo)

Seamless Silicone Glove Mold - Making Things with Milo

How To Make Succulent and Cactus Planters - Moldmaking and Casting Tutorial

Silicone Mask Making Tutorial - How to Make a Dragon Skin Silicone Mask

How To Make a Silicone Mold of a Wood Carving - Reproducing a Wood Grain Finish
How-To Galleries

Creating A Silicone Severed Head Using a Shell Shock Mold

Making a Brush-On Mold Using Dragon Skin® Silicone Rubber

Using Dragon Skin® Silicone to Reproduce Antlers

How to Make a Glove Mold with Dragon Skin & Cast a Faux Wood Repro

Achieving A Woodgrain Finish using Smooth-Cast® Resin

Making An Extremely Realistic Rattler Using Dragon Skin® Silicone

Reproducing a Sea Sponge using Mold Rubber, Liquid Plastic and Color Tints

Quick and Easy Zombie Skin Halloween Mask using Brush On Silicone

Mermaid Hyli shows off her Dragon Skin® tail made by MERBELLAS. You can find more photos on her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MerHyli

Don Bumgarner from The ScareHouse, Pittsburgh's Ultimate Haunt, applies the 'Killer Driller' Dragon Skin® appliance to one of their actors.

Mermaid Hyli shows off her Dragon Skin® tail made by MERBELLAS. You can find more photos on her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MerHyli

Lifelike Babies cast from Dragon Skin® Silicone by Tasha Edenholm.

David Pea shows off his “Darkness” Mask made from Dragon Skin® with Psycho Paint®. The mask has a FlexFoam-It® 5 core.

Copyright 2016 ♦ 610.252.5800 The ScareHouse uses Dragon Skin® silicone appliances and Skin Tite® silicone adhesive to transform their actors. You can find directions, ticket information, and High-Definition video footage their website: http://www.ScareHouse.com

Dragon Skin® is used to made a mold of the model clay head and Dragon Skin® is then pigmented and used to cast the head as well.

Mermaid Hyli shows off her Dragon Skin® tail made by MERBELLAS. You can find more photos on her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MerHyli
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