Ultimate Blood Kit

Special Effects Blood System

The Ultimate Blood Kit ® is the most realistic and versatile liquid blood system available anywhere. It perfectly simulates human blood in how it looks and flows. Ultimate Blood® is ideal for creating special effects, medical training and simulation, moulage or any project in need of highest quality theatrical blood. You can also change the viscosity of Ultimate Blood® on the fly, and change color quickly with color additives.

Certified Skin Safe by an independent laboratory.

Price and Purchasing

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ProductSizeNet WeightPrice

Ultimate Blood™ Kit

Kit includes Ultimate Blood™ base, pigments, thinner and thickener.
Each 0.84 lb. 28193642

Ultimate Blood™ Base

Ultimate Blood™ red blood base
8 ounce 0.56 lb. 17482258
1/2 Gallon 4 lbs. 55947227

Ultimate Blood™ Thinner

Thinner for the Ultimate Blood™ base.
Pint Unit 1.1 lbs. 27843597

Ultimate Blood™ Thixo

Thickening agent for Ultimate Blood™ base
Pint Unit 1 lb. 74889674

Ultimate Blood™ Blue Color

Blue colorant for use with the Ultimate Blood™ base blood. Modifies the color of the blood.
Pint Unit 1 lb. 27843597

Ultimate Blood™ Red Color

Red colorant for use with the Ultimate Blood™ base blood. Modifies the color of the blood.
Pint Unit 1 lb. 27843597

Ultimate Blood™ Yellow Color

Yellow colorant for use with the Ultimate Blood® base blood. Modifies the color of the blood.
Pint Unit 1 lb. 27843597