Sam Geist, owner of Dovah Design, is an imaginative cosplayer and propmaker who epitomizes the essence of learning through doing. Her cosplay journey, sparked by the enchanting realms of the video game Skyrim in 2014, rapidly transitioned from experimenting with basic materials like Worbla, expanding foam, and EVA to mastering the art of mold making and casting. This skill leap enabled her to produce durable, high-quality costume pieces and replica props. Today, she's a successful business owner, retailing bespoke resin artwork, custom props, and cosplay gear, and a recognized figure at national events.
Her mold-making ventures began with creating a mold using Rebound 25, a pliable silicone rubber, perfect for her first project: crafting transparent "gems" for Diablo 3 Crusader pauldrons, which were cast using Smooth-Cast 325 Color Match Urethane Resin. Sam's projects quickly grew in scale and complexity. A notable creation was the intricate molds for her Greatsword of Artorias, which included a 52” long blade and a detailed hilt. These were made using Mold Max 29NV Tin Cure silicone and cast in EpoxAcoat Gray and Smooth-Cast 300, with each piece reinforced with woven fiberglass cloth.
Smooth-Cast Onyx black urethane resin is a staple in Sam's toolkit, especially when paired with Cast Magic powders for a metallic finish. Her Mask of Dagoth Ur, sculpted, molded, and cast in Onyx with Goldfinger Cast Magic powder, is a testament to her skill and creativity. Beyond these specific materials, Smooth-On products are integral to her daily work. Sam values the versatility of these materials and the invaluable support and expertise provided by the staff at her local Reynolds Advanced Materials in Orlando. From her early days as a novice to her current status as a seasoned professional, Sam credits the guidance, tutorials, and community of Smooth-On for playing a pivotal role in her artistic and professional growth. Her journey is a vivid example of how dedication, quality materials, and supportive learning resources can transform a passion into a flourishing career.
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