Face Off Contestant Scott Fensterer at Lifecasting Seminar in Dallas

Published October 15, 2015

Reynolds-Dallas hosted their Basics of Lifecasting Seminar on October 15 with special guest Scott Fensterer. Scott was on SyFy’s Makeup reality show Face Off.

Reynolds Advanced Materials lifecasting seminars are a one-day event where you will learn how to make realistic skin effects for the big screen. We start by capturing perfect detail from a live model and finishing with materials that let you reproduce that detail perfectly. Patrons will also learn how to create astonishingly real skin effects using Dragon Skin, Psycho Paint, Slacker, and other innovative materials.  For more info on our seminars – click here.

Check out our exclusive images here:

All Reynolds USA locations will be closed from 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th - Wednesday, December 25th in observance of Christmas. Resuming normal operations on Thursday, December 26th.